$15 P&G Coupon booklet thru Save-A-Lot. These are manufacture coupons and you can use them everywhere not just Save-A-Lot.
All You (1-year)
Sign up with Pampers Village. The last two mailers sent had a coupon for $1 off 1 roll or more Bounty paper towels. Wait until the single rolls go on sale BOGO and get two for cheap or free.
When you sign up with Vocalpoint you will receive samples and lots of coupons that sometimes results in free items.
From Proctor & Gamble the Home Made Simple mailer has lots of coupons for cleaning products (that's where I saw the Dawn Q, Jen) There is always a coupon for a free item too.
So now that you are saving your coupons from the paper, buying extra papers, collecting extra coupons from friends, pulling blinkies and tear pads and getting all those other great coupons mailed to you-you are going to need a coupon organizer or you'll lose you're mind!
*New since last post
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