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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Things I Have Sold On Ebay and

Because of the way my ebay/ accounts are set up and my activity with each, my paypal account has dwindled. See, when I sell something on ebay, the proceeds go into the paypal account but when I sell something on (which I have been doing more of lately) the fees come out of paypal but the proceeds go directly to my checking. There is a seminar I would like to take and I need to pay with paypal so I figured this would be a good incentive to finally get some things up on ebay.

I recently discovered Ebay Selling Coach who has asked us bloggers to post about some of the things we sell on ebay. So here is a list of the things I have had luck with.

childrens shoes
pew bows-bought on ebay/resold on ebay
Halloween costumes
used leotards for dance practice
tickets to amusement parks I didn't want
old rusty bicycle (I don't reccommend, I started at $1 and had 1 person bid, so it turned into a lot of work for little pay off)
motorcyle seats
old oil cans
old hanging scales
saddle bags (Always describe your product accurately and picture any damage. These had bite marks from small hungry animals and some mold. If I hadn't mentioned that on my listing the buyer might not have been too happy.)
paper shredder
fax machine

That's just some of what I remember. The book "Good to Great" sold well for me too. I fell into about 10 of these and made some decent cash. They are still selling steadily.

My books and videos (and will soon be posting music and video games) go on It is so easy. Just type in the upc or isbn and all the info comes up including pics and shipping costs are figured for you. You just have to choose the condition and price. You will get an email from when it sells telling you where to send it. You can pay for and print your shipping label then schedule a carrier pickup, all online.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

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