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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

$25 Free at ING Direct-This Bank Rocks!

ING Direct does business online, over the phone and by mail. Without the overhead and high operational costs of other banks, they can pass those savings onto Customers.

Not only do they give excellent bonuses for opening accounts and refering friends but their interests rates are pretty decent too. (compare savings accounts-Bank of America at .19% to ING at 1.65%) The paperless checking is also completely free, you get online banking, free atm card and you can "write" paperless checks.

I have had accounts with ING Direct since 2003 and while I can't view all my transaction back that far I can say in the last 6 months I have earned over $150 in bonuses. The accounts are free, require no minimum balance and there are no fees.

Right now you can open a savings account and get a $25 bonus when you deposit $250. It appears you will have to keep the $25 bonus in for a month but the rest may be available after 10 days.
Once you open an account you will be able to refer your friends and get $10 bonus for each!

How do you get started? You will need an invitation so email me and I will send you the link you need to use to get your $25 bonus. Please let me know if you are interested in savings or checking so I can send the right link.

1 comment:

Frugal Sara said...

We opened an ING account last month and I have been very pleased with it so far!