Coupon Database

Monday, October 27, 2008

Freebies & Deals Kmart, RiteAid, CVS

Here are the deals and freebies I got at Kmart with their Super Double Coupons, RiteAid's Single Check Rebates, CVS's Extra Care Bucks and coupons, coupons, coupons! I'm not as good and I don't have nearly as many coupons as Frugalsuz but I am getting better. Maybe my list plus hers will help you. If only I could remember to buy extra papers. I've been able to get out to shop on Sundays to get the deals before they are gone but keep forgetting the paper!

Kmart Freebies
Vaseline Men's Lotion $2.99 (used $1.50 the coupon was in the newspaper insert, not sure which one)
Gillette Men's Shampoo $3.50 (used $2 from PG 9/26)
Visine AC $3.99 (used $2 from RP 5/11)
Dove Shampoo $3.79 ($2 from RP 8/17 & 10/12)
J&J Steri Pads $1.69 ($1 from S1 8/10)
Ice Breakers Gum $.99 ($1/2 from S2 9/7)
Tic Tac Chill $1.49 (sorry I don't know where I got this $1.50/2 coupons)
Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber $4.50 ($1 from a previous SB purchase-will send for Mail In Rebate) $2 profit

Kmart Deals
Pedigree Good Bites Multi $3.29 ($1.50 RP 5/7) $.29
Purina Beggin Strips $2.50 ($1 RP 9/14, 8/10 & SS 10/12) $.50
Glade Carpet Deoderizer $2.19 ($1.00 SS 10/5) $.19
Hunt's Tomatoes $1 ($1/4 SS 9/21) $.50 each
Kit Kat & Hersheys Candy 3/$5 ($1/3 SS 9/28) $1 each
Swanson Chicken Broth Carton $2 ($1/2 SS 9/28) $1 each

RiteAid Freebies
6 ft or 9 ft indoor cords
Citre Shine Mist and Shine Miracle
Charles Worthington Conditioner
Kotex Tampons $1.50 profit with coupon from a free sample

5 Soy Joy Bars ($4 ECB/4 plus $3 off 5) $2 profit
Bic Comfort 3 Razors ($4 ECB plus $2 SS 10/12)


Anonymous said...

Nice job!!!!
I wish there was the right size of Vaseline for men in my area...:(

Free Is Fun said...

Thanks for the comment. I also find product sizes frustrating especially at the big Walmarts. I could get stuff free or cheap with coupons but a lot of times they are only in large packages making it not such a good deal.