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Monday, September 8, 2008

Hannah Montana You Make Me Look Bad

Yeah my kid is a freak for Hannah Montana. This didn't happen until she went to a party of another Hannah Montana freak, but hey, I can't keep her in a bubble all her life right? I don't mind my daughter's infactuation with Hannah (as long as she doesn't turn into a Brittney) but I have a problem with spending money on products that make Hannah Montana and others richer then they already are and leaves me, well, with less money. And have you notices these products are everywhere! I thought celebrities just signed on to sell with one company like, Walmart, or KMart, or JCPenney but not anymore.

I bought a HM back pack at Walmart and in as few words as possible, describe the purchase as follows:
Backpack, needed.
Walmart, bad.
One zipper pull, bad.
Hannah Montana, good.
$10, good.

I bought a HM T-Shirt at JCP for $10, free with coupon. Good.

But Hannah Montana fruit snacks at the grocery store? Please. First, those fruit snacks are junk. Second, I have no coupon and ther is no sale. This is what I say to my DD. "Don't you think Hannah Montana has enough money?" God knows half her songs are about how great it is to be a rich celebrity. What is up with that? Plus, "Wouldn't you rather keep our money instead of giving it to Hannah Montana who has enough already?" My DD sometimes whines that "so and so has more webkinz" then she does. "So what, you have more this or that" or "went here or there" so don't worry about it!

It would be so nice if she could aspire to catch up to Hannah Montana in the money department.

Does this make me a bad mommy?

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